Optimpark Products
Takapoo Sanat Nami Company (Optimpark) as the first knowledge-based company in the field of design, development and construction of mechanized parking lots in Iran, has designed and produced a wide range of products with the aim of meeting the needs of different groups.
Variety in design, high quality of construction and extraordinary flexibility of mechanized parking lots produced in Optim Park complex in terms of capacity and conditions of installation and operation, has led to a good response from customers to the products of this complex.

Combined Pallet-Less Mechanized Parking
This type of Parking is a new generation of mechanized Parking that several innovations have been created in its design and construction. These Parking lots are a combination of mechanized elevator Parking (tower) and mechanized puzzle Parking. By using this method, the efficiency of land use can be increased up to 85%, and this type of mechanism can be used for different applications.

Pallet-less Mechanized Parking
Optimpark pallet-less Parking is formed by combining the technology of the old generation elevator Parking lots and the robotic Parking system to have more space and speed than its previous generation. Like the rotary system, this type of Parking can be implemented in three situations: super surface, inter-floor, and subsurface. As the name implies, the Pallet-Less Robotic Mechanized Parking does not need a pallet to receive the car and park it. The robot completes this process and includes a significant difference in the time of receiving and delivering the vehicle, depreciation, security, and optimal use of space with the elevator modal.

Sliding Mechanized Parking
By combining various advantages, Optimpark sliding mechanized parking has been able to gain more satisfaction regarding the speed of movement and the capacity of the car. According to the technology used in the sliding parking, it is possible to provide the optimal capacity and access, as well as to preserve the surrounding space, and the operation is facilitated for the user.

Rotary Mechanized Parking
Optimpark’s new generation rotary parking can provide from 8 to 30 Parking spaces in only 32 square meters. Due to the company’s technology, Parking lots can be implemented in three levels: super surface, inter-floor, and subsurface depending on customer demand and the characteristics of the urban space.

Mechanized Puzzle Parking
This type of mechanism can be installed in three positions: on the ground, underground, and both above and below ground. This parking lot has high flexibility in terms of floors and the number of vertical and horizontal rows simultaneously.

Mechanized Residential Parking
This type of mechanized Parking is offered in two situations: disturbing mechanized residential Parking, which can be implemented in 2, 3, 4, and non-disturbing mechanized residential Parking, which can be implemented in 2 or 3 Parking lots of residential houses.

Advanced Car Rotation System (Turn-Table)
The Optimpark Turn-Table rotates the car 90 or 180 degrees when delivered so you do not have to worry about reverse gear when leaving the parking lot. Installing a turntable inside the parking structure makes the parking space take up less surface space.